HHO-III Purification device 2020藥典二氧化碳中碳氫化合物分析凈化裝置
產(chǎn)品名稱:HHO-III Purification device 2020藥典二氧化碳中碳氫化合物分析凈化裝置
產(chǎn)品型號:HHO-III Purification device
HHO-III Purification device 2020藥典二氧化碳中碳氫化合物分析凈化裝置的詳細介紹
2020藥典二氧化碳中碳氫化合物分析凈化裝置 詳細信息:
浩瀚色譜(山東)應用技術開發(fā)有限公司,,研發(fā)出藥典2020版二氧化碳中碳氫化合物測定的專用凈化裝置,凈化 效果理想,安裝方便,和安捷倫8890,7820,島津2010,2014,2030等所有的氣相色譜儀均可配套使用。浩瀚色譜,提供安裝圖紙,提供詳細的分析方案。
2020藥典二氧化碳中碳氫化合物分析凈化裝置 測試譜圖:

2020 Pharmacopoeia carbon dioxide hydrocarbon analysis and purification device
Detailed information of hydrocarbon analysis and purification device in carbon dioxide of Pharmacopoeia 2020:
Name: Pharmacopoeia carbon dioxide (CO2) purification device
Model: HHO-III Purification device
Application: Determination of hydrocarbons in carbon dioxide in Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020 by gas chromatography
Pharmacopoeia 2010, 2015, carbon dioxide
The co ntent of hydrocarbons in carbon dioxide in the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China 2020 stipulates: ≤ 0.0020%, which must be strictly implemented. A purification device must be used to analyze hydrocarbons in carbon dioxide.
Haohan Chromatographic (Shandong) Application Technology Development Co., Ltd. has developed a special purification device for the determination of hydrocarbons in carbon dioxide in Pharmacopoeia 2020, which has ideal purification effect and co nvenient installation. It can be used together with all gas chromatographs such as Agilent 88907820, Shimadzu 201020142030, etc. Vast chromatography, provide installation drawings and detailed analysis scheme.
The results of application of the product in major pharmaceutical enterprises across the country show that the effect is good.
Test spectrogram of hydrocarbon analysis and purification device in carbon dioxide of 2020 Pharmacopoeia:
2020藥典二氧化碳中碳氫化合物分析凈化裝置 詳細信息:
型號:HHO-III Purification device
應用:2020年版中國藥典二氧化碳中碳氫化合物測定 氣相色譜法
浩瀚色譜(山東)應用技術開發(fā)有限公司,,研發(fā)出藥典2020版二氧化碳中碳氫化合物測定的專用凈化裝置,凈化 效果理想,安裝方便,和安捷倫8890,7820,島津2010,2014,2030等所有的氣相色譜儀均可配套使用。浩瀚色譜,提供安裝圖紙,提供詳細的分析方案。
2020藥典二氧化碳中碳氫化合物分析凈化裝置 測試譜圖:

2020 Pharmacopoeia carbon dioxide hydrocarbon analysis and purification device
Detailed information of hydrocarbon analysis and purification device in carbon dioxide of Pharmacopoeia 2020:
Name: Pharmacopoeia carbon dioxide (CO2) purification device
Model: HHO-III Purification device
Application: Determination of hydrocarbons in carbon dioxide in Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020 by gas chromatography
Pharmacopoeia 2010, 2015, carbon dioxide
The co
Haohan Chromatographic (Shandong) Application Technology Development Co., Ltd. has developed a special purification device for the determination of hydrocarbons in carbon dioxide in Pharmacopoeia 2020, which has ideal purification effect and co
The results of application of the product in major pharmaceutical enterprises across the country show that the effect is good.
Test spectrogram of hydrocarbon analysis and purification device in carbon dioxide of 2020 Pharmacopoeia:
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